Camille Poussel

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Thank you for stoping by. This is my personal page where you can find informations about me, my research and teaching activities and my publications.


About me

I have been a PhD student at the University of Toulon in the south of France since the 1st of October 2021. I am part of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulon (IMATH) - Equipe Modélisation Numérique and I am supervised by F. Golay and M. Ersoy and followed by D. Sous.
I am an eginneer from Seatech, the engineering school of Toulon's University and I have a Master 2 in "Science et Génie des Matériaux" of the University Côte d'Azur in France.
My thesis is the following of Jean-Baptiste Clement's thesis and it is about Modelling and numerical simulation of flow dynamics in sandy beaches. During my thesis I am trying to numerically simulate the flow in a porous media coupled with an free surface model.
Aside of my PhD, during my free time, I regularly sail near Toulon and I do photography as a hobby and as a mean to give my mind a bit of art.
portrait of myself



Camille Poussel


26 years old


IMATH - Institut de Mathématiques de Toulon
Avenue de l'université BP 20132,
Building M200,
83957 La Garde Cedex


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My field of research for my PhD icludes analysis of non linear Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis and Computer Simulation. More precisely since the begining of my PhD I am developping a one dimensionnal computational code abble to solve non linear parabolic PDEs using discontinuous finite elements method also known as Discontinuous Galerkin methods. This code will be the base to a larger code abble to solve in one dimension non linear parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs. Once this code is done we aim at coupling the work of my predecessor wich solve Richards Equation, with Shallow water equations. My work can be the used for instance to predict the erosion of the shorline.


  • Numerical Analysis
  • Computer Simulation
  • Non linear PDEs
  • Richards Equation
  • Shallow water equations
  • Discontinuous Galerkin methods




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